Friday, April 29, 2011

And she waited...

I guess if I were so inclined as to sit around and wait, this is about all I would get.  Fortunately, I don't have to wait for cool stuff to happen at Homage, because cool people come in.  Let's be real - we're not on the main street, and those that do find us, sometimes eventually, are those that are looking.  Looking, and finding, the Homage sign, is probably a great deal easier than waiting for other signs in life.  Like a sign to make that decision making process about your job, or life direction.  Anyhow, I digress.  This is a blog about design, and what is right here, right now.  I will leave the philosophical and profound existential queries and quandaries to those that can probably answer them.  If I sound [ read ] a little glum - it is owing to something rather simple that our revered third Homage-mite is moving on to other things. I were not aware that there were other things beyond Homage....however I am still here three years on not just because of my myopic vision, but because I still love it.  In fact, I love it more today than I probably did yesterday.  I like evolution, not revolution, and miss him already, and he is not even gone yet.  One thing is for certain, there were be an awful lot more aeroplanes in the bowl now... hardly any counsel though.

Our new container arrived last week, and these are my picks...[ And the next container I will be whinging about, because I'll have to be unpacking, not sitting pretty on the computer blogging about it.... ].  Such melodrama.

Panton chairs back in vogue, and in stock.  I am not sure that they ever really went out of favour, however it seems there as been a shift to the Eames DSW.  In white.  Well, you heard [ read ] it here first... black is the new white in chairs.  Black, black, black, black and black.  With Walnut legs.  Yes - white is so 2010.  And coloured is a nice diversion from our bland palette.

How gorgeous are these lights.  Artichokes [ a Louis Poulsen original that would have you mortgaging your soul, and your house to have ... ] are a design revered for over 50 years - and now a more feasible option starting at $1000.  Working en masse insitu, they are sublime - who needs art.  This is art that works.  Work it baby - tripping to the lights fantastic, that is what we do.

The PH5 - another affordable reproduction - $450, and we do a sexy range of colours.  Our matrix were always to make good design affordable for the everyday family bear, and let's face reality, this is little more than a monthly petrol month [ around town ]... And it will light up your life indefinitely.

If I could choose [ and let's be honest, I don't have to make the choice... ] between a date or a night with Iron Chef and a PK31, cuddling up with a Frizzell Tiki - there really is not contention.  Pictured here in cognac that has the silken feel of a baby bum - yet ages a good deal better...  Having this ever so slight angle of the back, meaning your furniture doesn't look like it is jammed up against the walls in your shoebox, but floating.... the lighter than air polished legs give it this refined look that is, in my humble opinion, the equivalent of the Porsche Cayenne of sofas.  Date, Pk31.....?  $2000, it is a done deal.

Only in Paris.... 

Jean Prouve Standard chair paired with a sublime Saarinen Tulip Table... oh, the decisions to make.
4 or 6 for dinner tonight darling?

So you can wait for a sign...or make it happen.  If you know what is out there, it makes the decisions so much easier.  Have a great weekend.  I'll be at Homage :)

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